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Your Organization's Catalyst for New Product Development


QFD is a systematic approach to thoroughly understand, document, prioritize, communicate and satisfy customer requirements. It is a “sophisticated” Customer Pareto Analysis used to document and keep track of customer needs, so everyone in your Organization buys in & understands. This process forces conversations about customers’ needs that typically would not happen or would happen too late in the Product Development Process

QFD is a flexible, robust tool that uses a system of interrelated matrices to help create a common ground between customer and supplier by prioritizing company activities / initiatives. It uses a format called the “House of Quality” (HOQ). During the QFD process, three levels of quality are identified as follows:


  1. Basic Quality (“MUSTs”) Unspoken requirements, assumed to be there, e.g.. brakes, doors

  2. Performance Quality (“WANTs”) Those requirements which the Customer has verbalized 

  3. Excitement Quality (“WOWs”) Those items / features which delight or excite the Customer

The bottom line is for your Organization to save cost and schedule through reduction of cycle time, increased productivity and avoidance of design changes during all phases of the product life cycle resulting to delight Customers with As-Advertised Product Performance, Cost, Schedule and Quality

Let AQT facilitate the QFD process and guide you down the path to new product development success,   Next Steps for QFD Implementation:

  • Prepare QFD Plan

  • Identify Customers

  • Identify Cross-Functional Members

  • Schedule

  • Metrics

  • Establish recurring status meeting to discuss:

    • Metrics

    • Schedule

    • Resources

  • Integrate QFD in Business/Product Development process for future business

Please contact AQT to discuss details of the process and how our QFD Expertise can be applied to the requirements of your Organization. 

Quality Function Deployment (QFD): Service
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